Saturday, July 26, 2008

Potty Training!

I hate it! I've tried with danika but still no success! But hopefully in a little while she'll catch on! She is such a bull headed little fart! We have tried bribing her with anything possible! She just doesn't care! She'll want it really bad until she has to sit on the toilet then she just magically doesn't want it anymore! So need less to say i'm very stressed and praying daily for a miracle! So let my stubborn, bull headed little girl become potty trained before she needs to go to kindergarten!!


Unknown said...

I feel for you. I hate potty training too. I thought Summer would never be trained and I dread having to train Jarrett. Good luck, it will happen.

Jane said...

One morning Danika will wake up and be potty trained. It will happen! Hang in there! The bribery works pretty good, though, in the meantime usually.