Tuesday, May 27, 2008

No Pictures!

I've been terrible lately about taking my camera with me so i haven't put any pictures on, but i wanted to tell you how wonderful my weekend was. I got to go to my grandpa j's grave on sunday and think about how much i truly miss him! Love you Grandpa! Monday, brought a whole new shed of tears as we went to my neice, Alexys's grave and Lyle got to see her headstone for the 1st time! I miss her so much that I just cried and cried at her grave! She was my favorite neice on Lyle's side, I've never gotten along with someone as well as I got along with her! Christmas parties aren't the same without her! Anyways, back to my weekend then we went to Kage's grave, for all of you who don't know who that is, it's our best friends Derk and Sara's baby that would be the same age as Danika! We got the cutest little tractor to put by his headstone! We figured he would probable love playing with those right now at this age! Just wanted to tell everyone how glad I am to have them in my life and to let you know how much I love Memorial Day!