Monday, December 14, 2009

Our Linkin!

That's our Linkin!

He climbed in but he couldn't climb out!

Atleast he's happy!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

2 years old!

Linkin had a birthday last friday, I can't believe how old he is getting! Here are some pictures of his party, we had a good turn out from friends and family!

He was afraid of the Candles it was really funny, so Lyle had to blow them out because he wouldn't even look at them!

We of course had to buy him a new firetruck! This one is actually really long, Lyle picked it out! He just thought Linkin needed to have it!


Friday, November 20, 2009

Grand Prize Winner

I can't believe it still!
On Monday, lyle got a phone call from a parts company that they go through and order alot of their parts for vehicles. They do a scratch and win drawing every summer. The cards that you don't win anything on you fill out your information and turn them back in to win more grand prizes, like big screen t.v.'s, camera's, things like that. Well my husband won the GRAND PRIZE!! Which is a vacation anywhere, we have a $5000 spending limit, it was set up as a cruise but we don't have to go on one.

I would really love to go to Paris, but Lyle is in need of a vacation sooner not later in the year, so we are gonna go some place tropical! Just haven't quite figured out where yet! I would love peoples opinions! I really can't believe it! We just need our luck to keep continuing! I would really like a job on the logan city fire department next!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Cierra Ashley Advisor

I'm official an Advisor for Cierra Ashley-Home fragrance for life! It's a really awesome oil based product. So there is no wax, heat or flames. They have these really cute decorative vases with over 50 scents to evaportate. They cover 1000 square feet so most houses one need one per level. You will love walking into your house and having it smell amazing! Let me know if any of you are interested in having an open house or in being an advisor, their always looking for more people.

Their website is
So check them out!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Our Fairy's!

Danika got this super cute dress up outfit as a birthday present! She looked so cute in it!

linkin liked the hat!

Then he thought he needed to try it on!

What a cutie!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween!

I loved Halloween this year, Danika was a cat and Linkin was a spider! We went trick or treating at Macey's, Lee's, the Mall and Logan's Firestation!

Linkin is sure Cheesing it!

I love this picture!

Our friend Troy took this picture! He gave us a tour of the Station! Sure hope lyle gets a job their soon!

Derk and Sara have a party every year, Porsia is wearing Danika's old costume! She is so stinking cute!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

On Patrol!

We had to laugh at this picture of Linkin. My dad has taught him how to swat the flies in the house. This time he was on patrol while doing it!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Lyle got a letter today from Logan City, he ranks alot lower down on the list than we thought he would, which totally sucks!
We most likely won't get one of the 2 positions available but he is on a list that will last atleast a year. Who know's what will happen! Hopefully the list will be good for 2 years so that we have a better chance, but if not I guess he'll just reapply in a year or two. Thanks for all the prayers and support you have all given us!

Love the Bairs!

Monday, October 12, 2009


Now we wait!!!

Lyle has taken all of the testing for Logan now and we just have to wait. He has to ranked 10 or below on the hiring list to even get considered for the 2 job openings. I'm so nervous, we really need this I just pray that he does good, he feels really comfortable with how he did on the written so that will help. All that I can say is please pray for a good score and so we can have a chance at the interview!
We were told it could take up to 3 weeks for the results to come, that's just way to long!

Thanks for all the support!

Monday, October 5, 2009

My 4 year old!

Danika had her birthday yesterday and turned 4. We had a little birthday party for her today, it was a costume party, her decision. I thought it was quite a good idea to come up with by her. She is so smart, i'm so thankful for her in my life.
This is her friend, Paige as a witch and danika is a cat!

We had the girls paint pumpkins!

And they of course got to play!

She wanted a spider cake! I thought I did a good job for just throwing it together!

We also opened some gifts at grandma's house yesterday!

She of course got to blow out the candles!
And we also opened presents at home, she was so spoiled this year! Good thing she's a good girl, She defineatly deserves to be spoiled every once in a while.

We gave her an Easy Bake Barbie oven, A Barbie Movie and some Lace and Trace princess cards!

Happy Birthday Danika!! We love you so MUCH!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

It Begins.....................

This week is the start of Lyle's long processing trying to get a job with the fire station. So he gets to take the Physical test this friday, which i feel pretty good about because he practiced again on saturday and came in at 3 minutes 48 seconds and you have to get under 5 minutes and 4 seconds, so that's a good thing, but then next week he gets to do the written test, wish him luck! We could really use the change, so think of us in your prayers! Thanks for all you do!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Salt Lake Trip

We did the connect pass with Salt Lake which I totally recommend and we got to go to so many places, we went to the dinosaur museum at Thanksgiving Point.
Then we went to the Thanksgiving Point Gardens with the kids, it was quick but we enjoyed it.
Me and the kids!
We went to Olive Garden for dinner and Linkin was trying out the Lemons, which he thought was funny because he go so much attention!
We went to the This is the Place Heritage Park, it was cool, we got to ride the trains and
And Ponies!!
Lyle in his firestation!!!
We in the train!
Then we went to Hogle Zoo, it was crazy! Danika and Lyle went in the goffer holes!
Then we went to Discovery Gateway, the kids loved this!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Older sister's thinking they can paint.....

leads to younger brother's thinking they can tooo!!!!!

Gotta love it!!

Monday, August 17, 2009


We went camping this past weekend, it was much fun, we went up Temple Fork. Although it was a little interesting. You see me and my sister Heidi decided to drive up together on Thursday night and we ended up going to grab a coke and Island Market and I didn't notice that a car was pulling into the alley behind the Market and I hit them. Luckily their wasn't much damage so we just decided to fix our own and call it good. Thank goodness.
The Girls had so much fun coloring and playing together!
Grandma with Linkin on friday morning before this.........
You can't see it very well but he fell off of Kyle's Trailer's stairs and hit is chin again. Three more stitches under his chin. We didn't stay up their friday night but we did go back on Saturday.
Now Linkin is home sick with a fever...
This is him cheesing it! Poor kid!

Bear Lake

We went to Bear Lake last wednesday with a couple of friends, Linkin got Car Sick and threw up twice on the way, which was no fun at all, but he had a blast once we got to the lake.
Eating Doritos! YUM YUM!
We all sat out in the water to cool us off a little bit!
The car ride home, we took our friend's little girl Paige with us!